

瀏覽量:542    發布時間:2020-05-13

A word of advice to those in the US: Don't get too deep in the show to lose sight of reality. 

2. 動輒以所謂國家安全為由,人為地對美國投資者進入中國市場開展正常投資活動設置障礙甚至將其政治化,是不符合經濟規律的。 
It is inconsistent with the laws of the economy to obstruct or even politicize normal US investment in Chinese markets under the pretext of national security.
3. 他希望與中方對口官員通話,討論~
he is seeking talks with his Chinese trade counterpart to discuss

4. 我們希望澳方同中方相向而行,切實秉持相互尊重、平等互利原則,多做有利于中澳互信與合作、符合中澳全面戰略伙伴關系精神的事。
We hope Australia can work with us to uphold mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit and strive to advance bilateral cooperation and mutual trust, as is in keeping with the two sides' comprehensive strategic partnership.
5. 為~鋪平道路
prepare the ground for
6. 加勒比國家重申堅持一個中國原則,在涉及各自核心利益和重大關切問題上同中方相互支持。
Caribbean countries reiterated their commitment to the one-China principle and to mutual assistance with China on matters concerning each other's core interests and major concerns.

7. 中方同巴黎俱樂部成員的溝通渠道是暢通的。 
Our communication with the Paris Club members flows smoothly.

8. 長征五號B運載火箭
Chinese rocket Long March-5B
9. 在這場抗疫斗爭中,中國和加勒比國家同舟共濟、守望相助,共同譜寫了中加友誼的新篇章。
China and the Caribbean countries have been supporting and assisting each other in the fight against COVID-19, adding a new chapter to China-Caribbean friendship.
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