

瀏覽量:368    發布時間:2020-06-25

1. 《全面禁止核試驗條約》是國際核軍控體系的重要支柱。
The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) is an important pillar of the international nuclear arms control system.

2. 這已經為沿線人民帶來了實實在在的利益。
It has brought tangible benefits to people along the Belt and Road. 
3. 美方將中國有關企業、機構和個人列入“實體清單”,泛化國家安全概念,濫用出口管制措施,違反國際關系基本準則,干涉中國內政,損害中方利益。
The US, adding relevant Chinese enterprises, institutions and individuals to its "entity list", has overstretched the concept of national security, abused export control measures, violated the basic norms governing international relations, interfered in China's internal affairs, and hurt China's interests.
4. 該條約雖未生效,但禁止核試驗已成為國際規范。
Though it has not yet entered into force, banning nuclear testing has become an international norm.

5. 新疆采取的反恐和去極端化舉措,目的是從源頭上預防極端主義和恐怖主義的滋生。
The measures on countering terrorism and deradicalization have been taken to prevent in a fundamental way these two evil forces from taking roots in Xinjiang.

6. 我們也期待繼續同國際社會一道,為推進疫苗研發等全球抗疫合作添磚加瓦,共同打造人類衛生健康共同體。
We also stand ready to work with the international community to contribute our share to the concerted global response to COVID-19 including in vaccine R&D and to forge a global community of health for all.

7. 必須指出,新疆事務純屬中國內政,任何國家無權干涉。
It needs to be highlighted that Xinjiang affairs are purely China's internal affairs which allow no foreign interference.

8. 美國自身針對國家安全問題制定了幾十部法律,竭力打造維護本國國家安全的“銅墻鐵壁”。
The US itself has enacted dozens of laws on national security in an effort to build an impregnable fortress of its own national security.

9. 開齋節
the Eid al-Fitr
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